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Everton is a STAR employee at Spectrum Works. Although he started his internship in the middle of the pandemic in 2020, it hasn’t stopped him from succeeding in the workforce. He is currently working as one of the newest additions to the Bergen Logistics VAS team.


Everton has always been a go-getter being a former Special Olympics athlete in Bowling, 100m Dash, Long Jump, and Javelin. In his free time, he loves playing video games and spending quality time with his family.


He’s a bit shy, but his actions speak louder than words. Everton values everything the perfect employee should: patience, respect, organization, creativity, time management, and efficiency. Attendance is his strong suit, given he was awarded Perfect Attendance for four straight years at S.T.A.R.S. Academy. With his values and experiences, he hopes to continue and build his career at Bergen Logistics.

“Everton started in Receiving, learned quickly, hit his metrics, and moved to the VAS department. He has learned every process remarkably fast and done phenomenally at every level. He is very focused and very detailed. Everton is loved by his coworkers, and they are very protective of him. I see no difference between Everton and the other employees; he is 100% Bergen.” - Kaleena Garcia, General Manager of Bergen Logistics

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